Ballet 2
Ballet 2
Beg-Intermed | $84/month + $99 registration fee
Available spots
Service Description
Ballet 2 is a continuation of Ballet 1. Previous ballet instruction is required, and student readiness is subject to instructor approval during the first weeks of class. Students who would like to begin ballet, or those who are deemed not ready for Ballet 2 should inquire about private lessons to learn the basics of ballet technique and skills. This class will continue in learning ballet skills, technique, etiquette, and combos. Emphasis on turnout of the feet and hips, more intricate barre exercises and center combos, jumps, leaps, turns, flexibility, and ballet terminology. Girls Attire: Black Leotard and pink tights. No jewelry. Long hair must be in a bun, short hair must be up and out of the face. Pink fabric ballet shoes, no glitter, attachments, or charms on shoes. Boys Attire: Black form-fitting leggings, joggers, or shorts and black tank top or form-fitting T-shirt. Hair must be up and out of face. Black fabric ballet shoes.