Tap 3
Tap 3
Intermed+PreReqs | $84/month + $99 fee
Available spots
Service Description
Tap 3 is a continuation of Tap 2. Previous tap instruction is required and student readiness is subject to instructor approval during the first weeks of class. Older students who would like to begin tap, or those who are deemed not ready for Tap 3 should inquire about private lessons to gain the technique and skills necessary for participation in this class. Dancers should come to class with strong understanding of the fundamentals of tap and with a desire to learn and grow as a tapper. The class will explore multiple styles of tap and deeper study into the different tap disciplines. Students will gain greater complexity of skills and rhythms while also learning more advanced patterns and sounds. Students will apply skills learned to creating their own unique choreography and style while also gaining a deeper appreciation of the history of tap. NOTE: A one-time $99 fee is due now at your initial registration. You will then receive a separate AutoPay link for $84/month to be set-up in August or during your first month of dance. If your initial registration and first month is the same month, both fees will be due within that first month. Female attire: Leotard and tights or dance shorts/tights. Black Tap Shoes. Hair up and out of the face. No jewelry. Male attire: Comfortable activewear such as a t-shirt and shorts. Black Tap Shoes. Hair up and out of the face. No jewelry.